event-376392 event-376392


Hale & T. Léon: Music from within

Järjestäjä:Tmi Hale Heikkilä (Heikkilä Hannu-Pekka)
Paikka:Turun tuomiokirkko
Osoite:Tuomiokirkonkatu 1
20500 Turku

Hale & T. Léon: Music from within

Hale & T. Léon is a dynamic fuo that creates music in the moment during their concerts and takes you through sound journeys out of this world. They also combine that with traditional written songs where T. Léon is singing both english and Nordic inspired chanting while playing guitar and Hale is playing cello and keyboards building soundscapes to create unique experience each time they are sharing live music together. In the tumbres of the music, you can hear soulful ancient rhythms and captivating continuos, multi-layered weaves and majestic song of the praise for life without forgetting the the presence of the echoes of the vast landscapes of Lapland.

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